Man sitting next to his art

Bringing communities together around art

What we do

Man sitting next to his art

For Artists

One of the most rewarding parts of creating art is sharing it with others. Fokal goal's is to help you share your artwork with a wider audience, not just of anyone, but actual members of your art community.

Partner as an Artist
Man sitting next to his art

For Businesses

Atmosphere is key to every thriving business. Adding artwork to your space from local artists isn't only a statement for your space but is a statement about supporting local that resinates with your customers.

Partner as a Business
Man sitting next to his art

For Buyers

Each art piece tells a story. When, where, how, and who you purchase artwork from all adds to the meaning each piece carries. We believe there is no greater meaning than shopping locally for your art.

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At the center of all we do is connection

Our story

Born from passion for community and creativity, Fokal was founded in OKC with a mission to celebrate and elevate local artists and their unique visions. The three founders of Fokal met as undergrad students and after spending time curating art shows for two of the largest Oklahoma City food halls, we fell in love with working with and supporting local artists.

Fokal envisions a world where local art is accessible, appreciated, and celebrated. We're committed to building a community where artists can flourish and art lovers can discover the beauty in their own backyard!

Fokal team at the grove

Our values

Some things we won't compromise on!

Supporting local art communities

Supporting art is a powerful way to build, grow, and sustain a local community. Fokal wants to connect people to the resources in their own back yards, that's why even as we grow, we will make decisions that keep local communities at the forefront. We believe that art is all that much more meaningful when it's shared with your neighbors.

Seeking growth in all we do

At Fokal our learning and growth is never complete. We strive to continue to work with and for the artists that we serve. From the very beginning of Fokal we've sought to build a platform about the learned needs of our artists. In order to make good on that promise we need to continue to listen to our users and build a relationship with them built around understanding.


Art is a safe haven for everyone. It's a way to express yourself and your identity. Fokal aims to be a welcoming platform that encourages all types of expression and creativity. Part of belief in inclusivity means creating new opportunities for artists that might not have been previously accessible to everyone.

Continuing to pursue innovation

We believe that growing your art career is just like growing a business. In order to be successful you need the best tools at your disposal. We plan to push the envelope on what’s possible and think of things differently than they have been before. Technology is a big part of what we do, we are always looking for ways to enhance existing processes with modern tech.

Our team

Carter Cain

Carter Cain

Head of Marketing

Connor Sharp

Connor Sharp

Head of Product

Sam Fletcher

Sam Fletcher

Head of Technology